University Objectives
  • Offering new and innovative graduate, post graduate, doctoral programs besides certificate, diploma, post graduate diploma courses in the ambit of statues empowered to do so and stringently follow the NEP 2020.
  • Building capacity of cross section of stakeholders engaged in urban / rural livelihood initiatives round the year as its third mission initiative engaging with the society.
  • Coaching and mentoring of innovative action research projects within the domain of sustainable urban/rural livelihoods round the year in field / live laboratories, dexterities, incubation centers to develop a thriving start-up eco-system.
  • Handholding of stakeholders in all urban / rural livelihoods programs in terms of capacity building, skills, knowledge and general awareness round the year all over India.
  • Higher technical and management education in the field of sustainable rural livelihoods.
  • Consultancy to multi stakeholders in the area of sustainable urban /rural livelihoods.
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